Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Spiritually refreshed at Word of Life!

We had an absolutely awesome week!
I don't have enough good things to say about Word of Life. Just go there, and you'll see. We went with another family from church, and had a great time getting to know them even better than we already did. We met lots of other Christian families, including a family in the campsite next to us (Ken & Heather & their 3 boys & 1 girl. Hi guys!).

Our site was just through the trees from this...
If I could figure out how to use the "Stitch" feature on my camera, I could make that one nice panoramic picture...

There were a couple of nights that we had campfires right on the banks of the pond...

We were spiritually fed under the teaching of Dr. Hayes Wicker from Naples, FL, and Dr. Stanley Toussaint from Dallas Theological Seminary, while all 3 boys were in their classes all morning. They had a blast! The young people that teach the kids' classes are mostly from the Word of Life Bible Institute, and they do a fantastic job teaching the kids Biblical Truths!

The highlight of the week, by far, was when Ryan and Kevin decided they wanted to pray for Salvation, and ask Jesus to come into their hearts!!!!! Thank you God!!

One of the things that we were most convicted about was the need for us to have real, meaningful family & individual devotions EVERY DAY. Of course, WOL sells a family devotion curriculum that we really liked, but it cost a little (lot) more than we wanted to spend. Well, we committed to it, and felt strongly about it, so when I went into the book store to buy it, I found a shelf that had last year's devotion books HALF PRICE!!! The only difference between last year's and this year's is that there is a daily radio program that follows the current devotion book. We can do without the radio program... Thank you God!!

So, anyway, the whole week was such a blessing that while we were there, we booked the same week for next summer. We can't wait to go back!
Another highlight was on the ride home, we passed this motorcycle/car hybrid thing called a T-Rex. Click here for a cool slide show from the company that makes them. Only $49,999. What a bargain!

Here's the one we saw...
(For the record, WE were passing IT!!) Go Dodge Durango!! Pulling a camper too!

Much to the chagrin of my wife, I am now going to tell you something that is TOTALLY unrelated to the topic of this post...(she hates when I do that)

Our Honda mini-van was making a strange noise that I suspected was coming from the transmission. Sure enough, my mechanic looked at it and said that he thinks it needs a new transmission ($$$$$$). so, I took it to the Honda dealership, and, get this, Honda is GIVING us a brand new transmission FREE. Even though our warranty expired at 100,000 miles, and the van now has 113,000 miles on it. Free! As in, we don't have to pay for it. I didn't ask any questions, I just signed the paper. Thank you God!!!


Bill said...

Nice camp fire. Sounds like it was the greatest family vacation. Great provisions from God above!

Liz said...

Our Lord is so faithful to us, and GOOD!! Glad you had a great time.